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【原版书籍】牛津音乐术语词典Oxford Dictionary of Musical Terms

  • 商品货号:978019860698701
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The most comprehensive one-volume dictionary of musical terms available An ideal book for students and teachers of music, and for musicians, concert-goers, people who belong to choirs, and all those who enjoy playing or listening to music Provides clear, succinct, definitions over a comprehensive range of musical terminology Includes all the terms in English and other European languages likely to be encountered in Western music Over 2,500 entries cover terms across a range of subjects, including rhythm, metre, forms, genres, pitch, scales, chords, harmony, notational systems, composition and analysis, performance practice, expression, computer applications, acoustics, and many more Entries include etymologies, and are fully cross-referenced Some terms are illustrated with music examples or tables Index of composers, with dates Covers all the terms required in the SMAB musical theory exams Printed music and writing about music involve the use of complex systems of notation and a wealth of technical terms in several languages. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Musical Terms provides clear, succinct, definitions of a comprehensive range of the musical terms, in English and other European languages, that are likely to be encountered in Western music. Over 2,500 A-Z entries range across a spectrum of subjects, among them: rhythm, metre, forms, genres, pitch, scales, chords, harmony and counterpoint, notational systems, composition and analysis, performance practice, tempo, expression, musical periods, artistic movements, computer applications, acoustics, and many more. Entries provide etymologies, and are fully cross-referenced. Some are illustrated with music examples and tables. An appendix lists all composers mentioned in the Dictionary, with their dates.


Oxford Dictionary of Musical Terms
224 pages | 196x129mm
978-0-19-860698-7 | Paperback | 25 November 2004

[ 作者 ] : Edited by Alison Latham
[ 出版社 ] : 牛津大学出版社
[ 图书编码/ISBN ] : 9780198606987
[ 图书页数 ] : 224
[ 开本 ] : 8开
[ 装帧 ] : 平装

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