约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯 f小调单簧管与钢琴奏鸣曲 op. 120 HN 1571
Clarinet Sonata op. 120
Bernd Wiechert (Editor)
Klaus Schilde (Fingering)
Frank Peter Zimmermann (Fingering and bowing for Violin)
Urtext Edition, Version for Violin, paperbound
with marked and unmarked string parts
HN 1571 · ISMN 979-0-2018-1571-8
Johannes Brahms’s three famous sonatas op. 78, 100 and 108 are among the most beautiful that the violin repertoire has to offer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Brahms had actually composed more for this instrumentation? In fact, this is not a pipe dream, for in 1895 the composer also arranged his two late Clarinet Sonatas op. 120 for violin and piano, where, by the way, he also made alterations in the piano part. These authentic arrangements offer an ideal entry point for music lovers and technically less experienced violinists who do not yet want to tackle the major sonatas. At the same time, they offer the “best of Brahms”. Try them yourself. The revised musical text of Henle’s Urtext edition, taken from the New Brahms Complete Edition and enhanced by helpful fingerings, provides the best foundation.
约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯著名的三首奏鸣曲op. 78、100、108都属于小提琴作品领域最美的作品之列。如果勃拉姆斯还能创作更多此类作品,岂不是再好不过?事实上这并非痴心妄想,因为作曲家于1895年将自己的两首晚期单簧管奏鸣曲op. 120改编成了小提琴与钢琴作品,在此过程中还对原有的钢琴部分做了调整。这两首权威的改编作品是业余爱好者和尚在打磨技艺的小提琴演奏者理想的入门作品,特别是当他们还不敢尝试那些伟大的奏鸣曲的时候。同时,这两首曲子也是“最好的勃拉姆斯”。不妨上手试一试:我们此次推出的修订版亨乐原作版乐谱沿袭了新版勃拉姆斯作品全集中的相应内容,并补充了富有助益的指法,是您最好的出发点。