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歌唱技巧(德文/英文,附光盘)(理论书籍)BVK 1861

  • 商品货号:9783761818619
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 歌唱技巧(德文/英文,附光盘)(理论书籍)BVK 1861

Isherwood, Nicholas

The Techniques of Singing


Edition no.             BVK 1861

ISBN                      9783761818619

Language(s) of work          German, English

Product format            Book, CD

Binding                    Paperback

Pages / Format        212 S. - 29,0 x 21,0 cm

The music of the 20th and 21st centuries demands a notably larger spectrum of abilities than traditional vocal literature. Nicholas Isherwood describes these techniques with numerous examples, gives practice tips and demonstrates the techniques on the CD included with this book.

Using Berio’s “Sequenza III” as an example, Isherwood shows how a singer can learn such a work, step by step. The book also includes an overview of solo vocal repertoire and makes reference to pieces that might be suitable for a singer with little experience in the music of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Composers will also benefit from this book, thanks in particular to information on vocal registers, their limits and possibilities. In addition, the musical examples provide an insight into various notation possibilities. 

Includes chapters on the following themes:

- From whispering to screaming

- The use of electronic amplification

- Micro-intervals

- Multiphonics

- Vibrato

- Register

- Flexibility

- Singing and acting

- Improvisation

The author

Bass-baritone Nicholas Isherwood is one of the leading singers of contemporary music around the world today. He has worked with many notable conductors, directors and composers, among them Bussotti, Carter, Crumb, Henze, Kagel, Kurtág, Messiaen, Scelsi, Stockhausen and Xenakis and has taken part in over 50 recordings. Isherwood is also an active composer, director and teacher.

"this volume is not only useful for singers, but also for composers and anyone who is interested in a history and summary of contemporary vocal techniques. Isherwood's ability to relate bel canto technique to the demands of works written since 1950 is ectremely useful, especially for singers who are exkloring avant garde music for the first time."

(Journal of Singing September/October 2014)

Präludium, Widmung, Geleit / Prelude, Dedication, Departure


Einleitung / Introduction


1. Vom Flüstern zum Schreien / Whispers to Cries


2. Die elektrische Stimme / The Electric Voice


3. Singende Instrumentalisten und spielende Sänger / Instrumentalist Singers and Singing Instrumentalists


4. Mikrointervalle / Microintervals


5. Erweiterte Vokaltechniken / Extended Vocal Techniques


6. Das Vibrato / The Vibrato


7. Timbre / Timbre


8. Stimmfächer / Voice Types


9. Die Register der Stimme / Vocal Registers


10. Beweglichkeit / Agility


11. Singende Schauspieler; schauspielende Sänger, Tanzende Sänger; singende Tänzer / Singing Actors; Acting Singers, Dancing Singers; Singing Dancers


12. Improvisation / Improvisation


13. Luciano Berios "Sequenza III" / Luciano Berio's "Sequenza III"


Anhang / Appendix:


A.1. Musik für Solostimme (ein/e Interpret/in) seit 1950 / Music for Solo Voice (one Performer) since 1950


A.2. Vibrato-Physiologie / Physiology of the Vibrato


A.3. Tonhöhen und Tempi: Ein wenig Hilfe von unseren Freunden / Pitches and tempos: a little help from our friends


Danksagung / Acknowledgments


CD Tracks / CD Tracks


[ 作者 ] : Isherwood, Nicholas
[ 出版社 ] : baerenreiter
[ 出版地 ] : 德国
[ 图书编码/ISBN ] : 9783761818619
[ 开本 ] : 8开
[ 装帧 ] : 平装

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